- The first plan of the Free Zone and Free Port in Bar dates from 1906.
Free Port in Bar dates from 1906. - In 1909, the Minister of Finance
of the Prince's Government passed the "Regulstions for
exploitation of the free port of
Bar and its attached free zone".
The territory of the Free Zone of the Port of Bar in
the moment of establishment includes:
- Space of “Port of Bar’’ JSC
- Space of DP “Free customs zone Bar’’
2000 - Decision of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro on giving consent to the establishment of the "Free Zone of the Port of Bar" in Bar
Founders of the Free Zone:
- Government of the Republic of Montenegro,
- Municipal Assembly of Bar
- “Port of Bar’’ JSC
2004 - Law on Free Zones
2005. god. – Rješenje o odobravanju početka rada Slobodne zone
The‘’Port of Bar’’ JSC is the authorized
operator of the Free zone:
- areas managed by the ‘’Port of Bar’’ JSC;
- areas managed by the“Port of Adria” JSC;
The total area of the territory of both companies on which it is possible to conduct business in the free zone regime is over 130 ha,
je moguće obavljati poslovanje u režimu
slobodne zone iznosi preko 130 ha,
- Space in the Free Zone regime
- Space fo Free Zone Development,
currently outside the Free Zone regime
(“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, No. 042/04, “Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 011/07, 076/08, 073/10, 040/11, 040/16)
(“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, No. 007/02, 038/02, 072/02, 021/03, 031/03, 029/05, 066/06, Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 021/08 , 001/11, 039/11, 040/11, 028/12, 062/13, 071/17)
(“Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro”, No. 015/03, 081/06, “Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 038/08, 028/12, 011/16, 040 / 17,004 / 19)
Special purpose spatial plan for the coastal area of Montenegro adopted in 2018. provides the basis for the implementation of investment projects in the free zone of Luka Bar AD
- The production-trade and business system is located on the location of the former Customs Zone Bar between the roads III-III and IV-IV. The system covers an area of 9.3 ha.
- 15 urban plots with an average area of 3,000 sqm.
Planske lokacije proizvodna zone - Bivše naselje Sokolana
Space for the development of the Free Zone Port of Bar located in the zone of the former settlement "Sokolana":
- 16 urban plots with an average area of 4,200 sqm intended for the development of production activities.
- The space is not infrastructurally equipped, but it can be easily connected to the port infrastructure
The port zone includes two units. The first unit consists of the existing waters and territory of the Port of Bar with breakwaters, operational coasts, piers, freight terminals, service and business systems. This unit covers an area of 183.54 ha and is exclusively intended for the development of a number of specialized freight terminals. In addition to freight terminals, a service and maintenance system and central parking of the port zone will be developed in this area, as well as a subsystem intended for the development of business, trade and production activities related to import and export business and requiring specific procedures regarding customs clearance, control, etc. (Free Zone mode). According to the founding act, the Free Zone of the Port of Bar covers the area of the existing Port of Bar with the immediate hinterland, the former Customs Zone and the location of special cargoes on the southern slope of Volujica with a total area of 116.12 ha, of which 104.17 ha is in the free zone. The second unit is the area in the bay Bigovica intended for the development of the Port of Bigovica, as well as the entire area of the massif of the southern slope of the hill Volujica. The usable area of this spatial unit is 40.11 ha and is planned for the development of liquid cargo terminals and operational-manipulative areas of the future port of Bigovica. The port zone is intended for the development of freight terminals aimed at servicing freight and transport flows that are directly related to maritime transport, namely: Ro-Ro terminal, consumer goods terminal, piece goods terminal, container terminal, wood terminal, livestock terminal, grains terminal, container and general cargo terminal, multi-purpose terminal for dry bulk and liquid cargo (which includes handling and storage of natural liquefied gas, acetic acid, etc.), liquid cargo terminal – Port of Bigovica and special for special cargo in the south the slope of Volujica. In addition to freight terminals, within the port zone, a production-trade and business system will be developed for the development of business, trade and production activities related to import-export business and they require specific procedures regarding customs clearance and control; service and maintenance system; central parking of the port zone as well as other terminals and supporting systems in accordance with the Detailed elaboration.
The production zone with a total area of 68.03 ha will be developed within two units. (1) The production zone in Polje (hinterland of the Port of Bar) with an area of 47.25 ha, is intended for the development of various programs for the production of final products, processing, finishing, assembly, which relate to industries that have no significant negative effects on the environment. textile, electronic, etc.). The first unit is the area in the hinterland of the current port zone, which is located between the roads IV-IV, 1-1, VII-VII and 3-3 (from the port zone to the railway facilities and the current bus and train station). This spatial unit is intended for the development of various programs: production of final products, processing, finishing, adaptation, installation, packaging, servicing and other activities related to various industries such as food, textile, electronic, leather, machinery and other environmentally friendly industries. . (2) The industrial zone on Volujica in the hinterland of the Port of Bigovica, with an area of about 20.78 ha, is intended for the development of production systems of ecologically less desirable industrial branches.
The trade zone, with a total area of 16.23 ha, is intended for the development of trading systems that will provide services to users in the area of Bar, the Montenegrin coast and in the wider gravitational area. Within this zone, systems of wholesale trade, retail trade and systems of other forms of trade will be built and developed. The area between JNA streets, 1-1 and IV-IV and the station group of railways is intended for the trade zone. The zone is facing the city across JNA Street and implies the transformation of the facilities of the so-called service zone into a trade zone. Within the trade zone, various forms of sales and distribution of goods on the domestic and international markets will be realized. The zone is very suitable for the development of trade, because on the one hand it leans on the port zone, production zone and Freight Transport Center, and on the other hand it has direct contact with the city, users and customers.
It includes the space in the zone of railway station facilities (existing passenger station) and the space between the railway shunting groups and the production zone. Goods transport center on an area of 73.22 ha (excluding the road terminal of 16 ha which is outside the boundaries of Detailed elaboration), includes a number of functions and subsystems aimed at servicing goods and transport flows intended for production and trade zone and wider gravity zone, which are not directly related to maritime transport and port systems on the operational coast. Within the Goods transport center, terminals and technologies of intermodal railway-road transport will be developed, as well as a logistic "outsourcing" system for activities in the trade and production zone. The location position of the Goods transport center enables efficient servicing of economic capacities in the future industrial zones "Čeluga" and "Tomba". The subsystems of the Goods transport center will be located within the spatial unit at the existing railway station and railway shunting groups. It is intended for the development of a railway-road terminal for intermodal transport, an "outsourcing" system for trade and production - a system of specialized high rack warehouses, a freight railway station, a freight exchange and a logistics information system.
In the planned spatial structure of the industry, the Economic Zone Bar (EZB) has the greatest importance in terms of the volume of planned land, i.e. its planned segments and individual locations for small and medium enterprises within the dispersed locations. The economic zone is one of the basic elements of the existing and planned spatial structure of the economy and industry in the urban tissue Bar.It consists of the port zone - Free Zone of the Port of Bar, production zone (in Polje Bar and part of Volujica), trade zone and goodst transport center. In the following period, it is necessary to realize the future spatial organization, the level of equipment and arrangement of the zone, resolving property-legal relations, etc. by means of planning regulation measures. The zone has comparative advantages for intensive activation in the coming period: favorable position, vacant undeveloped and relatively well infrastructurally equipped areas, good transport links to the railway, highway, presence of customs service, possibility of connecting to future infrastructure networks, present port handling facilities, possibility formation of a mixed zone, etc. In order to increase energy efficiency in industry, it is necessary to provide a central heating system and connection to the planned gas network, as well as the implementation of environmental protection measures.
tkivu Bara. Sastoji se iz lučke zone – Slobodna zona Luka Bar, proizvodne zone (u Barskom polju i na dijelu Volujice), trgovačke zone i robno-transportnog centra. U narednom periodu, potrebno je mjerama planske regulacije realizovati buduću prostornu organizaciju, stepen opremljenosti i uređenosti zone, rješavanje imovinsko-pravnih odnosa i dr. Zona raspolaže komparativnim prednostima za intenzivno aktiviranje u narednom periodu: povoljan položaj, slobodne neizgrađene i relativno dobro infrastrukturno opremljene prostore, dobru saobraćajnu povezanost na željeznicu, magistralni put, prisustvo carinske službe, mogućnost povezivanja na buduće infrastrukturne mreže, prisutne lučko-pretovarne sadržaje, mogućnost formiranja mješovite zone i dr. Radi podizanja energetske efikasnosti u industriji, potrebno je obezbjeđenje centralizovanog sistema grijanja i priključak na planiranu gasovodnu mrežu, kao i sprovođenje mjera zaštite životne sredine.
Osnovni pravni akt koji reguliše rad u režimu slobodne zone je Zakon o slobodnim zonama. Njime su regulisani osnivanje i početak rada slobodne zone, upravljanje zonom, posebni uslovi (pogodnosti) obavljanja privrednih djelatnosti u slobodnim zonama, kao i uslovi za prestanak njihovog rada.
Carinski zakon Crne Gore reguliše određena pitanja carinskog postupka i nadzora nad ulaskom i izlaskom robe u zonu i iz nje.
Na osnovu ovlašćenja iz Carinskog zakona, Vlada je odredbama čl. 521-565 Uredbe o bližem načinu sprovođenja carinskih postupaka i carinskih formalnosti (“Službeni list Republike Crne Gore”, br.015/03 od 19.03.2003, 081/06 od 29.12.2006, Službeni list Crne Gore”, br. 038/08 od 20.06.2008, 028/12 od 05.06.2012, 011/16 od 18.02.2016, 040/17 od 27.06.2017, br. 026/23 od 06.03.2023, 097/23 od 30.10.2023) propisala način vođenja evidencije i sprovođenja mjera carinskog nadzora u zonama.
“Luka Bar” AD je, kao operator Zone, donijela Opšta pravila poslovanja u Slobodnoj zoni Luka Bar, shodno ovlašćenju iz Zakona o slobodnim zonama. Opšta pravila predstavljaju internu regulativu zone i čine sastavni dio svakog ugovora o obavljanju djelatnosti u Zoni koji Luka zaključi sa pojedinim korisnikom. Opštim pravilima se regulišu postupak i uslovi za zasnivanje i obavljanje djelatnosti, opšti uslovi korišćenja zemljišta i objekata i unutrašnji red u Slobodnoj zoni Luka Bar.